How recognition has evolved

The world of Business Awards in Australia has undergone a fascinating transformation. From humble beginnings, the landscape has morphed into a complex ecosystem with hundreds – if not thousands – of awards businesses can enter. Understanding this evolution is crucial for businesses aiming to leverage the power of recognition effectively.

A historical perspective

Early Australian business awards were relatively simple affairs. Recognition often focused on longevity or industry stalwarts.

Over time, awards became much more targeted, acknowledging specific industry niches. Businesses began to recognise the potential of awards for brand awareness and talent acquisition.

The modern award landscape

Today’s Australian business awards landscape is a vibrant tapestry. Some key trends have emerged:

An explosion in the volume of awards

Awards have gained enormous popularity which has led to a sharp increase in the number of awards programs out there. From industry awards (for e.g. accounting awards), to awards that celebrate a specific function (for e.g. workplace safety), there is truly an awards program for everyone. The sheer number of awards programs catering to diverse industries and specialisms is staggering.

The power of video

While the majority of awards programs will still require written submissions, video has started to take on a larger role. Some awards programs will give applicants the option to submit their entry as a video, and many will enable applicants to include videos as supplementary evidence.

Judges are increasingly drawn to compelling videos that showcase a company’s story, vision, and impact. High-quality visuals and engaging narratives leave a lasting impression, making video a vital element of any award strategy.

Combating fraud

With the growing prestige associated with winning awards, instances of award entry embellishment have emerged. Award bodies are now more vigilant, implementing stricter verification processes. This ensures the integrity of the awards and protects the reputation of genuine winners.

AI content detection

With the emergence of generative AI, many applicants have tried their hand at writing their award entries using ChatGPT or other AI tools. A trend we’re now seeing is that awards programs are deploying AI content detection tools to weed out these entries.

The cost of recognition

All awards programs are monetised in some way, usually through entry fees, awards nights tickets and sponsorships. As entrants have become used to the idea of paying entry fees, awards programs have begun to charge more for entry fees, sometimes as much as $2,000 per entry.

Recognition as a strategic tool

Business awards have evolved beyond a simple pat on the back. Today, they are a powerful tool for brand building, talent acquisition, and market differentiation. By understanding the changing landscape and adopting a strategic approach, Australian businesses can leverage the power of recognition to carve a niche in the ever-competitive marketplace.

Ready to shine? Let us help you craft a winning submission

At Green Door Co, we are a team of passionate experts dedicated to helping Australian businesses achieve recognition through strategic award submissions. Our team boasts a proven track record of crafting award-winning entries that tell your story and showcase your achievements effectively. Get in touch with us today, and let’s discuss how we can help you navigate the ever-changing world of business awards.

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