Diversity and inclusion awards
Category: Diversity and inclusion
The #TechDiversity Awards recognise individuals and groups within business, government, education, and marketing, media & advertising organisations who have demonstrated leadership through Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) initiatives across all gender and minority groups within the Australian tech sector.
The ACT Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards provide acknowledgement of the outstanding achievements of business, organisations and individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to encourage, welcome and support people with disability in their workplace, business and community in the ACT.
ARN has celebrated gender diversity and recognised female excellence across the Australian tech channel since first launching WIICTA in 2012, acknowledging the achievements of a talented group of female front runners who have become influential figures across the local industry.
The Access Awards are run by the Centre of Accessibility Australia, and are open to businesses that endeavour to improve accessibility in the lives of people with disability. Launching every two years on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the program attracts local, national, and international speakers and provides an arena for delegates to discuss current issues from thought leaders, policy makers, political leaders, innovators, practitioners, academics, community leaders, advocates, and people with lived experience of disability.
The Australian Disability Service Conference & Awards (ADSCA), hosted by One Community, recognises both excellence and innovation in the disability service sector. ADSCA is unique in that it brings a wide range of service providers together to explore topical industry themes during the day and celebrate service excellence during the evening.
The Australian LGBTI Awards are designed to showcase individuals and organisations that have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the LGBTI community. Those who go the extra mile to ensure equality, opportunity and fair treatment for all, regardless of sexuality, gender identity, or intersex experience deserve to be recognised. The LGBTI Awards are an incredible opportunity for members of LGBTI community to have their achievements acknowledged in a very public way. The awards celebrate both corporate and celebrity role models, showcasing the very best of the community has to offer. These awards are no longer running.
Since its inception in 1960, the Australian of the Year Awards has provided a focal point for Australia Day celebrations and a forum for the recognition of outstanding achievement.
The Brandon Hall Group Excellence Awards is the most prestigious awards program in the industry. Often called the “Academy Awards” by Learning, Talent and Business Executives, the program was one of the first of its kind. The awards recognize the best organizations that have successfully developed and deployed programs, strategies, modalities, processes, systems, and tools that have achieved measurable results. The Brandon Hall Group are honored to receive applications from organizations around the world ranging from small, medium, large, and global enterprises, to government, not-for-profits, and associations.
The CCAA Innovation Awards are a two year program involving State Awards held annually in each State, the winners of which compete for the National Awards held biennially. These awards recognise innovation in the way our industry manages Health & Safety, Environment, Community Engagement, and Workplace Diversity & Inclusion. They also demonstrate the heavy construction materials industry's commitment to continually improving its performance in these areas to a range of stakeholders including; government, industry peers and the broader community.
The Disability Matters Awards seek to identify and celebrate those companies who are beginning on the journey of innovation, action and transformation relative to individuals with disabilities whether as employees, customers or both.
The Disability Smart Awards (sponsored by Microlink) showcase and celebrate the work of organisations that are improving the life experiences of disabled employees and consumers by removing barriers to inclusion.
The Ethnic Business Awards (EBA’s) recognise the outstanding accomplishments of Migrant and Indigenous entrepreneurs. They highlight the contribution made to Australia by these people. As Australia’s longest running business awards, these awards are the most prestigious of their kind.
The GLOBE Community Awards celebrates achievement in Victoria’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex communities, highlighting the work of a diverse range of organisations and individuals that benefit and unite the Victorian LGBTIQ community.
Since 2010 the Indigenous Business Awards have highlighted the outstanding success of our First Nation’s businessmen and women. These have been integrated with the Ethnic Business Awards.
The LGBTQ Inclusion Awards are hosted by Pride in Diversity. Each award recognises outstanding advocacy, support and/or contribution to LGBTQ inclusion within the workplace by leaders, role models, allies and more.
Designed to enable artists with disabilities to succeed in their profession, the National Leadership Award aims to support new and emerging leaders in the arts and disability sector. The Award is presented each year as part of the National Arts and Disability Awards, which is presented by Arts Access Australia and the Australia Council for the Arts.
Out for Australia’s 30 Under 30 Awards recognises young LGBTQIA+ people under the age of 30 who are making tangible contribution/s to bettering the life of LGBTQIA+ people in Australia, demonstrating success in their career, and living with authenticity, courage and resilience - demonstrating the qualities of a role model.
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Proudly coordinated by the Victorian Multicultural Commission on behalf of the Victorian Government, the annual awards recognise people, groups and organisations that foster cross-cultural understanding, build social cohesion and support people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to participate in all aspects of life.
N.B: Please keep in mind that awards programs regularly shift their dates. New awards programs open up regularly. Established awards programs can cease running with little notice. While we endeavour to keep this list as up-to-date as possible, we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy.