Telstra Best of Business Awards: Shine a Light on Your Australian SME

The Telstra Best of Business Awards are the most high-profile business awards program in the country. Renowned for their prestige and fierce competition, these Business Awards offer a coveted platform for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to showcase their innovation, resilience, and positive impact.

Green Door Co is behind the awards submission for LSKD, the 2024 Telstra Business of the Year, and has also secured several other wins or finalist nods for clients in these awards in recent years. We know this awards program inside and out – so let’s get into it!

A Badge of Honour for Aussie SMEs

Established over 25 years ago, the Telstra Best of Business Awards have become a national benchmark for excellence in the SME sector. Recognition here isn’t just a pat on the back – it’s a powerful validation of your company’s achievements. Winning a Telstra Best of Business Award carries significant weight, attracting media attention, potential investors, and new customers eager to associate with an award-winning brand.


Eligibility: Are You a Contender?

The Telstra Best of Business Awards are specifically designed for Australian SMEs with fewer than 200 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff. Additionally, your company must be majority Australian-owned (over 60%). It’s important to note that the separate Telstra Business Women’s Awards program is no longer running. However, the current award categories encompass a broad spectrum of achievements, ensuring there’s a perfect fit for businesses led by inspiring women.

The Three Stages to Recognition

The Telstra Best of Business Awards process unfolds in three distinct stages, each designed to delve deeper into your company’s story.

Stage 1: The Questionnaire – This initial stage involves completing a comprehensive multiple-choice online questionnaire. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to benchmark your business against other applicants.
Stage 2: Video Showcase – If you progress past the questionnaire stage, you’ll be invited to create seven videos (3-4 minutes long) that bring your story to life. This is your chance to showcase your company’s culture, team, and the passion that drives your success.
Stage 3: The Final Pitch – The final stage is reserved for the most impressive contenders. Here, you’ll be invited to present a compelling pitch – in the form of a written award submission – to a panel of esteemed judges, further elaborating on your achievements and future vision.


Key Dates to Remember

The specific dates for the Telstra Best of Business Awards application window typically fall between March and July each year. Here are the dates for the 2025 Telstra Best of Business Awards:


  • Opens – Now open
  • Closes – 5pm AEST 11 April 2024
  • About – Nominations are essential to be eligible to enter stage 1

Stage 1:

  • Opens – Now open (opened 4 March 2024)
  • Closes – 5pm AEST 26 April 2024

Stage 2:

  • Opens – 2 May 2024
  • Closes – 5pm AEST 24 May 2024

Stage 3:

  • Opens – 26 June 2024
  • Closes – 5pm AEST 17 July 2024

Shortlist stage:

  • About – Shortlisted applicants will be invited to a Q&A session with judges, to determine the state finalists. Dates TBC.

State finalist and winner stage:

  • About – State finalists are announced. Dates TBC. State winners are announced. Dates TBC

National finalist and winner stage:

  • About – State winners compete as finalists at the National Awards gala event. National winners in each category are announced. An overall Telstra Best Business of the Year winner is announced. Dates TBC.

Be sure to keep an eye on Telstra’s official website for the most up-to-date information and deadlines.


Unveiling the Award Categories

Now, let’s delve into the heart of the program – the award categories. Each category recognises a distinct area of excellence within the Australian SME landscape. Here’s a closer look at the current categories:

  • Accelerating Women: This category honours businesses actively working to dismantle gender inequality and create lasting opportunities for women within their organisation and the wider community.
  • Building Communities: This award recognises businesses that foster positive change within their communities. Whether it’s through social initiatives, environmental programs, or cultural projects, these businesses demonstrate a commitment to building a stronger, more inclusive Australia.
  • Championing Health: Innovation in healthcare is at the forefront of this category. Businesses excelling in developing solutions that improve health outcomes and accessibility for Australians have a strong chance of being recognised here.
  • Embracing Innovation: Australian ingenuity takes centre stage in this category. If your business is a pioneer in utilising technology to solve modern challenges, this award is for you.
  • Indigenous Excellence: This category celebrates the achievements of Indigenous-owned businesses that are thriving and contributing significantly to the Australian economy and cultural landscape.
  • Outstanding Growth: Explosive growth is a hallmark of many successful SMEs. This category recognises businesses experiencing exceptional and sustainable growth, demonstrating a clear vision for the future.
  • Promoting Sustainability: Environmental consciousness is no longer a niche concern – it’s a core value for many Australians. This category shines a light on businesses actively working towards a more sustainable future, implementing innovative practices and inspiring others to follow suit.

Beyond the Award: The Benefits of Participation

Even if you don’t snag the top prize, participating in the Telstra Best of Business Awards offers a wealth of benefits. The application process itself serves as a valuable self-assessment tool, prompting you to reflect on your company’s strengths, weaknesses, and future goals. Additionally, finalists gain access to exclusive industry insights and networking opportunities with other high-calibre businesses.

Are You Ready to Shine?

The Telstra Best of Business Awards offer an unparalleled opportunity for Australian SMEs to step into the spotlight and earn national recognition for their achievements. If your company embodies innovation, resilience, and a commitment to making a positive impact, then don’t miss this chance to be celebrated.

The competition is fierce, but the rewards are substantial. Is your business ready to shine? At Green Door Co, we have a proven track record of helping Australian SMEs craft award-winning submissions for the Telstra Best of Business Awards and other prestigious programs. Our team of experts can guide you through every stage of the process!

Join our free webinar How to enter and win a Telstra Best of Business Award at 10.30am-11.15am Thursday 11 April 2024. Register for the webinar here.

Or to partner with us on your Telstra Best of Business Awards application contact us today.

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