How SignManager won two of Australia’s most influential business awards and cemented its position as an industry leader


“Winning those awards is an important cornerstone of our marketing, especially in a business-to-business environment. Demonstrating authority is intrinsically valuable.” – Reilly McHugh, Marketing Manager SignManager


Helping large corporations improve the way they manage their brand across multiple locations.


After 20 years as a leader in the industry, signage solutions provider, SignManager, sought to reaffirm its leadership position and enrich the company culture through official awards recognition.

Benefits of Working with Green Door Co

  • Partnering with an experienced awards submission company with specialist knowledge and a strong track record.
  • Strategic selection of high-profile and targeted awards to pursue.
  • Gaining a partner with a genuine passion for understanding and telling SignManager’s company story.
    Comprehensive information gathering and project management of the entire complex process.

Value Created

  • 100% strike rate on getting to the finalist stage, 50% win rate. Won a highly prestigious Telstra Best of Business Award.
  • Cemented themselves as leaders in their industry.
  • Recognition as an offering of proven value to existing and future clients.
  • Boosted company morale through the pride and motivation of award wins.

SignManager launched over 20 years ago to fill a gap in the market for a strategic approach to managing signage assets. They create, implement and manage comprehensive signage solutions for more than 50 of Australia’s most prominent corporate organisations across 50,000 sites and 250,000 signage assets. As a project management consultancy, the company’s primary goal is to help large corporations improve the way they manage their brand across multiple locations. SignManager handles everything from the design process to the maintenance; a full lifecycle solutions provider.


With over 20 years as an industry leader and having won several awards in the past, SignManager is very familiar with the value of awards recognition. Several clear objectives accompanied their intentional approach:

  • Reaffirming themselves as experts in their niche
  • Enhancing their thought leadership position
  • Building authority with future brand partners
  • Enriching company culture and internal morale

Understanding the time-consuming complexities of the awards application process, SignManager searched for a partner that specialised in awards submissions to take the lead on this critical project. Someone who had intrinsic knowledge of the awards process, extensive experience, and a passion for listening to their story and retelling it in the right way. The partner that ticked all those boxes for them was Green Door Co.


SignManager reached out to Green Door Co to apply for a handful of key awards they knew of and other targeted awards sourced and suggested by Green Door Co. They had an immediate sense they were in the right hands, “We appreciate the way Green Door Co does business; there is a genuine care and transparency that we really value”, says Marketing Manager Reilly McHugh, “We know they have our best interests in mind.”

Green Door Co helped communicate SignManager’s value proposition in a compelling, engaging way. Making sense of complex and technical concepts while grounding the company’s story in the context of its contribution to the industry. Green Door Co’s level of detailed information gathering and their experienced, expert support allowed SignManager to step into the awards arena confidently. Turning the awards application process from a complex unknown into something they could enjoy without feeling overwhelmed.

“The ability to have a set of goals you want to achieve, then having someone that understands what you’re looking for, and being able to run with it, has been amazing.”

Value Created

SignManager were successful finalists in 100% of the awards they entered with Green Door Co, winning 50% of those, including a prestigious Telstra Best of Business Award.

The awards confirmed SignManager’s position as an offering of real value, benchmarked against thousands of other Australian companies via the awards judging process. As the congratulations from existing clients came rolling in, it was clear the award wins enhanced credibility and trust. SignManager is a company that prides itself on long-term relationships that provide ongoing value to its clients. Showcasing the award wins in their marketing further solidified those alliances and helped build authority with future partners.

Not only did SignManager find value through outreach marketing, but also internally, with staff embracing the excitement of the award wins and enjoying the extra motivation and pride that validation brings.

Winning two of the most influential business awards in Australia has been an incredible experience for SignManager. They smashed their authority building, expert positioning, morale-boosting goals… and more. The in-depth nature of the awards submission process allowed SignManager to deeply reflect on all the elements that make up their company—inspiring them to realign company values and goals to strengthen future directions and make them an even stronger performing business and leader in their industry.

“Green Door Co has helped us achieve a lot of our goals and validate SignManager as a great offering for our clients, as shown through the awards.”




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